Book Training Book Treatment
  • Course Cost

    $2500 +HST

  • Deposit

    Deposit $1500+ HST + Balance
    within 2 weeks of the course date

  • Mentorship Dates

    Arranged privately with mentor

  • Location

    60 Innovator Ave, Unit 18
    Stouffville, ON L4A 0Y2

What To Expect

1. One 4 hour shadow day with a skilled injector. (Value $500).

2. Access to our Online Portal x 6months! This includes 5 important modules in Aesthetics with self/paced learning, quizzes, a multitude of references and articles! (Value $999)
• Anatomy
• The Art of the Consultation
• Products Knowledge
• Complication Management
• Business & Ethics

3. One 8 hour session of hands-on experience with a skilled and supportive mentor. You will need to supply models, we provide everything else. You can fill this time with as many clients as you choose. Medical direction/prescriptions included. Price per treatment for your clients is reduced. This is available in Stouffville. (Value $2000)

4. Invaluable support and ongoing access to your mentor as needed. Plus support in locating a prescriber if required post training.

Register Here

What You Will Learn

Our goal is to prepare a knowledgeable and competent practitioner and set you up for success!

Register Training

Yes! We have heard you!

You’ve completed a foundational training program and looking for more?

We know how overwhelming the transition to aesthetics can feel. We know that working independently comes with many challenges including new skills development.

We want to support you! as you gain confidence, whether you have trained with us or elsewhere.

1. You must be a Regulated and Licensed Healthcare Professional.

2. Proof of completion of Basic/Foundational training.

3. Proof of insurance.

Register Now!

Register Here

One 4 hour shadow day with a skilled injector. (Value $500).


* Please review our cancellations policy prior to registration*

Access to our Online Portal x 6months! This includes 5 important modules in Aesthetics with self/paced learning, quizzes, a multitude of references and articles! (Value $999)

• The Art of the Consultation
• Products Knowledge
• Complication Management
• Business & Ethics

One 8 hour session of hands-on experience with a skilled and supportive mentor. You will need to supply models, we provide everything else. You can fill this time with as many clients as you choose. Medical direction/prescriptions included. Price per treatment for your clients is reduced. This is available in Stouffville. (Value $2000)

Invaluable support and ongoing access to your mentor as needed. Plus support in locating a prescriber if required post training.

Register and complete payment. Access to our online portal will be provided within 72 hours.

We will reach out within 1 week of registration to have a quick Onboarding call. To arrange your shadow shift at one of our locations of your preference. Once your shadow shift is complete, we will plan your 1:1 injection day within

This should provide you with sufficient time to secure models.

Beautify logo on a light background.

Get treatment now and pay over time!

Beautifi’s payment plans allow you to break down the cost of a treatment purchase into a series of biweekly or monthly installments. Apply for any Beautifi payment option with no impact to your credit score!

Apply Now